These materials are chemically treated and are made into thin sheets of non-conducting materials. Separators: The separators are made up of leadwood, or porous rubbers.Lead peroxide Δ Q = c Δ T, Δ Q = c ( T 2 − T 1 ) \Delta\boldsymbol) [ ( H 2 S O 4 ) The dilute sulfuric acid is used as an electrolyte and it contains 31% of sulfuric acid. The active elements that help in the charging and discharging mainly consists of the lead-acid which includes: Active Material: An active material takes part actively during the charging and discharging of the cell.The sulfuric acid should not be porous and should not cause damage to the electrolyte. The prism serves as a support for the plates and also protects it from short-circuit that may take place. Container: The container of the lead-acid battery is made of glass, lead-lined wood, ebonite, the hard rubber of bituminous compound, and ceramic materials that are seated at the top to avoid the discharge of the electrolyte.If the current is not uniformly distributed along with the grids, then the active material will loosen and fall out. The grid is crucial as it conducts the electric current and also distributes the current equally on the active material. Lead and active materials are used to make grids that exits in various designs. The container is a store of chemical energy while the plates convert this stored energy into electrical energy. The two main parts of the lead-acid battery are the plates and the container.

A lead-acid battery consists of various parts, which include a container, plate, active materials, separators, and battery terminals.